In the May issue of Heads and Tails, I read the lovely article on chows, Well I phoned Shirley Birkett and managed to obtain the telephone number of Mrs Bunty Hubard in Uvongo on the South Coast of Natal, and I phoned her, what a lovely Lady, I could have spoken to her for the whole day, but telephone calls are expensive, she told me that she had two chows, Tzu Tang a Cream chow of ten years old and a young ten month old female called Laura, whom she got from very dear friends of mine, Erica and Shawn O'roiden a third chow had died a few months ago, this chow as well a her other two deserve medals.
While she was driving through the town of Uvongo, she stopped at a stop street, her handbag was on the seat next to her and her Chow bitch was in the back seat of the car, an African approached the car and a quick as lightening thrust his hand through the open window and grabbed her handbag, but before he could withdraw his prize, her chow sunk her teeth into the thief's arm and would not let go, He was arrested and never got the handbag.
Her chow Tza Tang has covered himself with glory twice by saving her life when a knife yielding man attacked her; see her newspaper cuttings, which were front page of their local newspaper.
Mrs. Hubbards husband is blind and his guide dog is getting old, she is really not safe to take him down the streets anymore, and this is where Lara comes in, she has been learning to lead Mr Hubbard in his daily life and is learning to become his eyes, Who would ever have thought a Chow could be a guide as well a Guard dog, but then they are very special dogs.
Thank you Shirley Birkett for helping me find this wonderful lady and her very special Chows, and thank you Bunty for having the time to speak to me and tell me about your wonderful dogs.
STORY BY Sheila Park
South Coast Herald
Friday February 17th 1989.
He might look like a Teddy bear, but there was nothing cuddly about the way Tzu Tang the Chow attacked his mistresses knife-wielding assailant, who cornered her in her garage and demanded money last Saturday afternoon.
Nor did his sprightly 70-year-old owner, Mrs. Bunty Dilworth (Hubard) let her attacker get away lightly for when he threw her to the ground, leapt on top of her and threatened to slit her throat, she kicked and bit him until he gave up and fled.
Mrs. Hubard of Manaba had been shopping at the local supermarket with her blind elderly Husband and returned home at about 1.30pm when she faced her terrifying ordeal, Having dropped her husband and his guide dog off at the gate leading from the driveway to their house, she proceeded to park the car in the garage a few meters away.
When she opened the back door of the car to takeout a bucket she had purchased, she was accosted by a Black Man, who pinned her between her car door and the garage entrance, Initially he told her he was looking for employment, but when she told him that she had none to offer, he demanded money and, after she said she had none, he grabbed her leather handbag.
However she refused to let go of it and he threw her onto the grass, climbed on top of her and pulled out a knife, threatening to slit her throat,
But the determined Mrs Hubard was not prepared to give up without a fight, and she caught him with her knee, kicked him and bit him, he wrenched the bag from her, tearing the handle off and scattering its contents. During the scuffle, She said she had "screamed her head off" which resulted in her losing her voice, her screams alerted a neighbor, Mrs Jean Mclean, who summoned the police.
Meanwhile Tzu Tang, one of Mrs Hubbard's two chows nearly went mad trying to gain access to the garden and Mr. Hubbard had closed the gate leading to it when he went into the house.
But Tzu Tang refused to give up and finding a Hole in the hedge between the next-door garden and his own, he wriggled through and attacked Mrs Hubards assailant, who was making off up the road.
Undeterred by the knife-wielding man Tzu Tang grabbed hold of his jacket and held on, despite being nicked by the attacker's knife. The assailant wriggled out of his jacket as Tzu Tang held firmly onto it.
Meanwhile the police arrived on the scene, as the assailant made his get-away, Attempts to corner him were unsuccessful. But he gained nothing from his attack and Mrs. Hubard was able to scoop up all her scattered belongings.
Mr. Hubard, who had also heard his wife's screams, had wanted to grab a truncheon and go to her assistance, despite being blind and sickly, Mrs. Hubard told the Herald on the Monday when we visited her.
The hero of the day Tza Tang was feeling most putout by the events and eyed our photographer with disdain, only reluctantly agreeing to pose for a photograph.
Fascinating story. I once read that, "a dog may be the only creature on earth to love you more than itself." My experience with many breeds would support that idea. I guess most canines would rather attack would be attackers and worry about consequence later.
That said however, it makes you wonder just how safe we all are in everyday life here in South Africa.
Thank you Robert, Yes dogs will protect you with their lives, just last night we had an unwelcome visitor who pushed open the gate and walked into the yard, She was just very lucky that the gate to the area where the dogs were was shut, They might have enjoyed another supper.
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